Sedation Dentistry

Image of a woman lying facedown asleep on a bed with arms outstretched

We’ve all seen the hilarious videos of people after getting their wisdom teeth out and saying outrageous things. But what does sedation actually do, and when is it necessary? Read on to learn about the effects, causes for, and benefits of the conscious sedation we use at Noble Dental. 

What is sedation?

Sedation is defined as “the action of administering a sedative drug to produce a state of calm or sleep.” There are different kinds of sedation, but what we use here at Noble Dental is called ‘conscious’ sedation, the main effect of which is usually feeling like a one hour procedure has lasted 5 minutes!

How does it work?

The drugs that we administer (usually either intravenously or orally) work on your brain to put you in a relaxed state. Many people fall asleep, others just become very sleepy and forgetful. It’s important to note - we always use sedation alongside local anaesthetic, which numbs the area we are working on. You won’t feel a thing. 

When should I get sedation?

When discussing our treatment plans with our patients, we will almost always discuss sedation as an option. For anyone who has extreme anxiety about the dentist, it is definitely a good choice. Other situations where it can be helpful are for particularly long procedures, working with younger patients, and for procedures where there may be unsettling noises or sensations. 

Do I have to have it?

In many cases, sedation is optional. On occasion we will request that people use it, but most of the time it is something you can choose for yourself. If you do decide to go ahead with sedation, please make sure to listen carefully to what our staff tell you in regards to pre-operative care. There are some crucial things you need to know before the day of your appointment. 

Got more questions about sedation? Don’t hesitate to ask our friendly team on 09 524 2855

Katie L.