ACC for Dental Implants

Image of woman in dental chair facing Dr Richard Longbottom, who is smiling at her

Had a tooth knocked out? We’ve got this.

We feel lucky to be a practice that treats many ACC cases. We love these cases because we are able to take someone who had an awful, traumatic injury, and renew their smile at minimal cost. Some people who walk through our doors were unaware that they were eligible for ACC treatment, so here is a quick rundown on what ACC will treat within a dental context. 

Dental Injuries

It is all too common to lose a tooth (or five!) in an accident, and so most of our ACC patients are people where this has been the case. ACC covers almost all of the costs of treatment for teeth that have been lost in an injury. However there are some parts of treatment which require ‘prior approval’, which is where information about the case is sent to ACC for approval before they agree to cover the costs. If you have any questions about this process, please get in touch. 

Unfortunately ACC does require that you have something called a ‘six to six’ mouth before they will fully cover the cost of your dental implants. This means that you must have had twelve upper teeth and twelve lower teeth before your accident - otherwise they will expect you to pursue options like plates or dentures. If this is your situation, we still recommend coming in for a visit, so we can look at combining private and ACC costs for your treatment.

Accident-Related Damage to Implants or Prostheses

ACC is also committed to covering the costs of any damage to dental implants or prostheses (dentures, plates, etc.) which has happened as a result of accident or injury. It is important to note that this does not include simple wear and tear - so it is worth checking with ACC first whether they can cover your treatment before booking an appointment.

Important to Note:

If your injury has caused serious mental distress, ACC also covers the costs of therapy and psychological treatment. Don’t hesitate to contact them with any questions in regards to this. 

If you have had a dental injury, the odds are high that you are eligible for free or discounted treatment. Please get in touch with any questions about this on 09 524 2855

Katie L.