Help - My Hygiene Appointment has Been Postponed!

NZ Government sign saying “Unite against COVID-19”

The resurgence of COVID-19 in our community has brought with it many valid concerns for our regular hygiene patients. It can be very nerve-wracking to have an appointment cancelled or moved if you are suffering from serious symptoms. Here are a few things you can do to maintain your oral health during these worrying times:

  • Keep cleaning! As many of us have more time at home, there’s no excuse not to brush thoroughly (see our brushing tips here) and floss as part of your regular home care.

  • Eat well. Good nutrition plays a vital role in dental health, so limit sugary foods between meals which can damage your teeth. More time at home can make it tempting to snack throughout the day, but fight the urge! Avoid acidic drinks too - even those with nutrients can affect your teeth and often have way too much sugar,  which can cause tooth decay and sensitivity.

  • Reduce stress as much as possible.  We recommend listening to some good music. Also try not to increase alcohol consumption, which can dry your mucosa and has links to oral and pharyngeal cancers.

  • Don’t share a toothbrush!  And change it regularly as recommended by your hygienist. Sharing a toothbrush is an obvious way to spread bacteria from person to person. And changing it regularly enough will ensure that you are doing a thorough job of cleaning your teeth and gums. 

  • Stay clean. The Oral Health Foundation gives some great guidelines here on how you can help curb the spread of coronavirus through better hygiene methods at home.

If you have an emergency or need urgent care, please do not hesitate to contact the team at Noble Dental.  We can give you advice on what to do next.

Katie L.