Brushing it Off - Special Circumstances

Image of a mouth behind a sheet of pink paper with a hole ripped in it

As specialists, we deal with all different kinds of oral health issues. We wanted to make a resource for some of our patients with more complicated situations on how to look after their mouths. 

(These steps are to be taken in addition to the basics, which you can find here.)

Patients with Periodontal Disease

  • Regular periodontal visits. It is crucial that you regularly get your gums cleaned by a professional, as regularly as recommended by one of our periodontists and their team.

  • Flossing. Everybody needs to do this - but you need to even more. You need to remove the invisible plaque to reduce inflammation and keep your gums healthy.

  • Interdental brushes. It’s very likely that one of our hygienists will have given you some tiny brushes to thoroughly clean the gaps between your teeth. If you need more help with using them, call us on 09 524 2855.

  • Disclosing tablets. These contain a plant-based dye, which shows you where the plaque is on your teeth. You can purchase these if you want to know the areas that you are missing when you clean your teeth. 

Patients with Implants

  • Floss the implant. At one of your check-up appointments, a hygienist will have shown you how to ‘three-sixty degree floss’ your implant. This is crucial to keep it happy and healthy. If you have forgotten how to do this, book in today and we can show you how!

  • Come to your check-ups. They’re few and far apart, so it’s easy to forget. But coming to these check-up appointments ensures that if there are any issues around the implant, we can get to them before they escalate. It is also imperative to keeping the implant warranty valid. 

  • Maintain your oral health. Keep up your regular routines of brushing and flossing to ensure there are no nasty bacteria floating around the implant. 

Patients with Thin or Receding Gums

Use the right brush. If you have been told you have thin or receding gums, it’s important that you are using the correct toothbrush, and brushing with the right technique. If you’re unsure, get in touch. 

Worried about your technique? We’d love to help you out. If you think you might be doing something wrong, or think there might be something wrong with your gums, book an appointment with us and we can help you through it. 

Call now, or book online.